cardiac dropsy homeopathy

Valvular murmurs, angina pectoris. by William BOERICKE, M.D. post infarction and post by-pass surgery, hypertension, chronic ischemic heart disease, heart diseases that are secondary to other systemic diseases and of course rejected cases. It is indicated in cardiac dropsies: feeble, irregular heart as if it stood still with desire to take a deep breath; scanty, dark, albuminous urine, slow pulse, scrotum and penis swollen. Sometimes this aggravation amounts to aggravation from warm drinks, warm room, warm clothing, warmth of the fire, etc.,; if it is heat the patient is greatly disturbed. Viper [ including pit vipers of crotalidae] Cobras [Naja) Kraits [Bungarus) Sea snakes [Hydrophis) Snake Venom. Controls high blood pressure and prevents fluctuations in blood pressure. Convallaria majus: This is a wonderful heart remedy. Damaged heart after infectious diseases. Limbs and body aches as if beaten, joints as if sprained. Bael (Aegle marmelos) Homeopathic Remedy. Hydrothorax, ascites and anasarca especially in relation to mitral valve disease are curable with this Homeopathic remedy. It helped to get her mind off the fact that her twenty-year-old baby girl was out of the house. Dropsical swelling of genitals. – Cardiac dropsy. Cough. The apparent value of the drug in cardiac dropsy has led to its successful use in dropsies not of cardiac origin and great results are claimed from its use in albuminuria, Bright's disease and diabetes. Dilation of heart leading to hypertrophy of heart muscle. Foxglove. - Angina pectoris; pain especially severe in elbow of left arm. Bahola Homeopathy Cardace. Convallaria maj: Increases energy of heart’s action, renders it more regular, Dyspnea, dropsy, aneuric tendency, anasarca, Tobacco heart’s, especially when due to cigarettes. So dont let your heart suffer, treat it properly with Homeopathic medicine. URANIUM NITRICUM treats high cholesterol with diabetes. Arterio-sclerosis. Useful Mother Tinctures in My Homoeopathic PracticeDr Muhammed Rafeeque. Naja. Arteriosclerosis - Homoeopathic & miasmatic view 1. It is indicated for hypertension with cardiac dropsy with dyspnea, angina pectoris, feeble and irregular pulse, cardiac asthma. These plaques can also burst, causing a blood clot. It is the best Homeopathic medicine for Mitral valve Insufficiency in those who suffer from low vitality, weak heart, and slow, weak pulse. - … DIGITALIS 6, 30. Good homeopathic prescriptions will help heart to keep functioning properly. ... HomeoResearch is a Homeopathy Blog dedicated for Homeopathic Patients and Learners. debilated with impoverished blood, cardiac dropsy with dysponea. Digitalis Purpurea. This fact was mentioned by Wm. Stitches in heart. Blurred speechThreatenedmparalysis of heart, body cold, pulse slow, weak, irregular. Clinically Proven* (n=100) The study proves the efficacy of Tonicard in effecting significant symptomatic relief in patients of myocardial infarction, angina, mitral valve prolapse, menopausal syndrome & cardiac … Fatty degeneration. Viscum Album (mistletoe) Lowered blood pressure. Heart dilated; first sound weak. Alcohol is a natural solvent and an antidote for these poisons. While your body needs cholesterol to continue building healthy cells, … It provides best treatment for any kind of heart disease. ... producing oedema and dropsy and on skin causing diaphoresis. Advanced formulated homeopathy medicine and excellent heart tonic that regularises blood pressure and pulsation. Arterio-sclerosis. Traumatism of grief, remorse or sudden realization of financial loss. Extreme dyspnœa on least exertion, without much increase of pulse. Cyclamen is also a very good Homeopathic medicine for dropsy with premenstrual syndrome and ophthalmic migraine. Here the important indication for the use of cyclamen is a dim vision associated with dropsy. In an emergency, when the patient’s life is in danger, the best treatment is the one, which saves them. Convallaria majalis: Increases heart’s action and renders it more regular. Fatty degeneration. Cardiac dropsy. Useful Mother Tinctures in My Homoeopathic PracticeDr Muhammed Rafeeque. Lycopodium will suit cases whether arising from cardiac, renal or liver troubles. Iberis amara: Cardiac debility after influenza, conscious of heart’s action. This remedy has no toxic effects. There is great thirst for cold water during dropsy but 'water causes pain or is thrown off'. In his Desktop Guide to Homeopathy, ... “Angina pectoris, stitches in the heart, pulse feeble and irregular, cardiac dropsy, palpitations after any exertion, pressure under the sternum, anguish, collapse, beats shake the whole body.” Also, “Feeble debilitated patients with impoverished blood. The other symptoms are excessive palpitations, cardiac pain and breathlessness. Cardiac asthma. It helps to treat the hypertrophic heart disease. This agent is a cardiac and arterial stimulant, and a diuretic. The famous manifestation of this small remedy is dropsy and ascites. The use of mother tinctures in practice is now considered as a shame by a few contemporary Homeopaths. In low potencies aids valvular function and reduces oedema. Dropsy due to heart diseases or due to beriberi. Fatty degeneration, Aortic disease. Viper poisoning causes a temporary increase in reflexes, paresis supervenes, a paraplegia of the lower extremities extending upwards. Convallaria Majalis: Arrhythmia. Pulse feeble and irregular. Heart muscles seem flabby, worn out. Indicated in inflammation of veins with great swelling; bursting sensation. (British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, 1983). The patient is chilly. (William Boericke 1998). A heart medicine, after rheumatism or influenza, or Bright's disease, where the muscles of the heart are in stage of fatty degeneration, regulating the pulse and increasing the power of contractions of heart, with increased urinary secretions. The heart affections due to tobacco smoking and high cholesterol levels. Also acts on palpitation and tachyarrythmia. Digitalis is frequently indicated in inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, when the urine is suppressed, and there is pulmonary oedema, and threatened heart failure. It is useful in heart affections alternating with suppressed hemorrhoidal bleeding, sensitiveness about the heart, fullness, oppressed breathing, faintness. Low vitality, with weak heart and slow, weak pulse. People often scoff at the fact that homeopathic medicines may be useful in treating various heart diseases. Heart's action weak, rapid, irregular, due to muscular DEBILITY; and INSUFFICIENCY. Paroxysmal tachycardia. Congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure. In medicine (gastroenterology), ascites (also known as peritoneal cavity fluid, peritoneal fluid excess, hydroperitoneum or more archaically as abdominal dropsy) is an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Dewey mentions that it cured a case in which there was severe constrictive pain about the heart in a man who habitually passed blood by stool, the heart symptoms coming on when the bleeding ceased, and disappearing when it was re-established. Homeopathy treatment or homoeopathy medicine is a medical system built on the principle that like cures like. Indicated for dyspnoea, dropsy, orthopnoea, angina pectoris and tachyarrhythmia. The pulse is slow pulse. It causes weakness and cardiac depression with dropsy. We discuss dropsy causes, their specific symptoms, and ways to treat and prevent the condition now referred to edema. Cardiac dropsy. Weak and rapid pulse, dyspnea and dropsy, dependent on failure of heart-power whether from valvular affection or from anemia, appear to be the leading indications. VIII. Schwabe Essentia Aurea drops is homeopathic medicine to treat symptoms of heart problems through a proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs (available in drops). A muscular tonic. Heart.--Cardiac dropsy. Heart dilated; first sound weak. Cardiac failure or myocardial weakness. VIII. Its marked and immediate action on the urinary secretion is well known. Extremities distended, feel bruised and sore. Strophanthus hispanica: This is a great homeopathic remedy for cardiac dropsy. Limbs and body ache as if beaten; joints as if sprained. Acute Renal Failure. Digitalis Purpurea. post infarction and post by-pass surgery, hypertension, chronic ischemic heart disease, heart diseases that are secondary to other systemic diseases and of course rejected cases…Homeopaths look for peculiarities in the patient’s presentation of the symptoms and the more … - THE GUIDING SYMPTOMS OF OUR MATERIA MEDICA By CONSTANTINE HERING, M.D. Cardiac dropsy (swelling of the heart’s soft tissues due to water accumulation) Cyanosis (bluish colour of the skin due to low oxygen levels) ... Dietary and lifestyle changes for a blood infection (sepsis) patient as per homeopathy. In arteriosclerosis, the solvent power reduces crustaceous and calcareous deposits in the arteries. Heart muscles seem flabby, worn out. A muscular tonic. Beri-Beri (Epidemic Dropsy) It is well-known that most of the human food-grains contain a thin outer covering, which is rich in the substance called Vitamin or ‘water soluble B’ In the process of milling, this layer is rubbed off. Appearance of face Sickly, pale, anxious, bloated swollen, dark red or bluish, especially in Lachesis, Bothrops, Vipera. Its action settles around the heart, valvular troubles. Homeopathy is useful in cardiac neurosis- esp. Cardiac dropsy with distressing dyspnœa. Acute renal failure (ARF), also known as acute kidney failure or acute kidney injury, is a rapid loss of renal function due to damage to the kidneys, resulting in retention of nitrogenous (urea and creatinine) and non-nitrogenous waste products that are normally excreted by the kidney. with impoverished blood, cardiac dropsy with dyspnoea. Insomnia of aortic anemia, edema, cutaneous chilliness. As far as empty nesters go, Jane is one who doesn’t speak much about it. Excerpt from “Homeopathy in Heart Disease?” by Daxa Vaishnav. COMMON NAME: Hawthorn Berries, Hawthorn, May thorn; … Dyspnoea on least exertion, dilated heart, weak heart sounds, valvular murmur. Hight arterial tension. Homeopathic remedies that can he ... Cardiac dropsy with distressing dyspnœa. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that's found in the fats (lipids) in your blood. Heart-failure threatened from slightest exertion. The swollen legs are covered with ulcers from which serum continually oozes this condition is seen in two other drugs, namely Rhus tox and Arsenic alb. Acts on muscle of heart and is a heart tonic. Aurum muriaticum: Indicated for cardiac symptoms of varied nature, arteriosclerosis, valvular lesions and hypertension. Dropsy is associated with backache and this is … Neuralgias originating in disturbances of pneumo-gastric. (iv) Vipera-Cardiac dropsy. ‘The trick to aging gracefully is to enjoy it’ For this graceful aging Homeopathy will definitely help in all geriatric problems including cardio-vascular troubles. It acts better in dropsies from heart disease than in renal dropsy. The heart rate for using Kalmia may be as low as 35-40/minute with Palpitations. Atherosclerosis is a specific type of arteriosclerosis, but the terms are often used interchangeably. There is swelling of the upper eyelids. Essentia Aurea Gold Drops by Dr Willmar Schwabe is one such specially formulated homoeopathic medicine for the heart. Acts best in plethoric, feebly in debilitated with impoverished blood, cardiac dropsy with dyspnoea. Cardiac dropsy. In his Desktop Guide to Homeopathy, ... “Angina pectoris, stitches in the heart, pulse feeble and irregular, cardiac dropsy, palpitations after any exertion, pressure under the sternum, anguish, collapse, beats shake the whole body.” Also, “Feeble debilitated patients with impoverished blood. A tired heart with a feeble pulse that escalates rapidly with the least amount of activity; Intense palpitations (racing or pounding) of the heart, the person feels as if their heart will stop beating; Heart failure after a fever; Cardiac dropsy (swelling of the heart… Instead, she suffers silently, assuming she’s overreacting. ... Cardiac dropsy and dyspnoea. Dropsy is prominent particularly in the lower half in the body; urine scanty; hypertrophy of the heart and dyspnoea, worse when lying on back or from motion. Acetic Acid: Acetic acid is best homeopathic medicine for edema of lower limbs and abdomen. To everyone else, it appeared that she had strolled seamlessly back into her previous world as a real estate agent. Helping irregularities of rhythm, weakness from chronic heart disease, dropsy. Cold sweat. is a very auspicious tree native to India. Information about dropsy disease, causes, homeopathy treatment, and homeopathic medicine of dropsy/oedema. Raises the blood pressure, increases pulse rate and stimulates the heart muscle; hence, a support in extreme feebleness or threatened failure. In small doses for weak heart; it feels enlarged. Dropsy with urticaria, STROPHANTHUS Q- Strophanthus is best for edema due to congestive heart failure. Dr. Manshi Mankiwala M.Sc. Convallaria Majalis- Arrhythmia. Cardiac dropsy. If the dropsy be of cardiac origin there will be swelling of the feet; if hydrothorax, there will be dyspnoea and a feeling as if death were approaching, but no fear thereof as in **Arsenicum and Aconite. Common senile myocarditis with a previous history of hypertension, extreme weakness and irregular heart action. We think of it in hypertrophy, valvular insufficiency, pre-cordial oppression, tachycardia, neuralgia of the heart, cardiac dropsy, or dropsy the result of weak heart’s action; vertigo, apoplexy, angina pectoris, pericarditis and myocarditis. Characteristics.-Strophanthus is an ornamental, evergreen, climbing shrub, native of Tropical Africa and Asia. Q (Thrice a day): Increasing insomnia in cardiac affections. It is useful in dropsical affections from heart or kidney diseases. Cardiac dropsy. The Snake Venom is the modified saliva. Presented by Médi-T. ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS. Muriatic Acid Dropsy due to cancer of the liver. Dropsy is swelling from excessive and abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial space (The space between cells where extracellular fluid … Correa ex Roxb.) Limbs … Indications for use of Cardace : Effective and long term management of hypertension. Master’s Quotes on Homoeopathic Heart Tonic – Crataegus Oxycantha ... We think of it in hypertrophy, valvular insufficiency, pre-cordial oppression, tachycardia, neuralgia of the heart, cardiac dropsy, or dropsy the result of weak heart’s action; vertigo, apoplexy, angina pectoris, pericarditis and myocarditis. People who practiced Homeopathy for number of years, firmly convinced that patients with heart condition such as hypertension & other heart […] In mitral regurgitation, where oedema and dropsy have supervened. Has special action on kidneys and induces hæmaturia. Crataegus. With the last symptom Dr. Nash cured a case of cardiac dropsy with 30th dilution of the remedy. It is a homoeopathic tonic for heart muscle as it strengthens the muscles of the heart. Cardiac dropsy and dyspnoea. Basically, it is a medical term once used to describe the same condition. It is indicated for the people who experience pain in the region of the heart. Fatty degeneration. Palpitation with vertigo and choking in throat. post infarction and post by-pass surgery, hypertension, chronic ischemic heart disease, heart diseases that are secondary to other systemic diseases and of course rejected cases…Homeopaths look for peculiarities in the patient’s presentation of the symptoms and the more peculiar they are the greater is the indication of that particular medicine: Resembles acute ascending paralysis of Landry (Wells). We observe a generalized, uniform enlargement of the abdomen which gives all signs of presence of fluid, and the fluid alters its level with change of position of the patient. Face bloated and anxious looking. Ascites – Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies. When the pathology is prominent and… Acts on the heart, Increasing the systole and diminishes the rapidity. Cactus G and Aurum Met In valvular diseases with numbness and tingling in the left arm. Affects the venous system inducing stasis. - Pneumonia; approaching paralysis. (British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, 1983). Homeopathy is useful in cardiac neurosis- esp. Cardiac asthma. Hydrothorax, ascites. Edema of cardiac origin. Homeopath 2. Those who eat such food- grains are deprived of the Vitamin B and contract a disease, […] Crataegus oxyacantha-it acts on heart muscles as heart tonic. Feeble and irregular heart with frequent desire to take a deep breath. Since I know I’ll be receiving emails and calls on precisely what we used, below is the schedule on which I’ve settled for the last many years. Nash relates the case of a lady suffering from cardiac dropsy, who, when relieved of the latter, suddenly lost the power of speech. It can be given as a heart tonic for long periods of time for such senile hearts. Homeopathy Treatment for ASCITES. ... Vipera-Cardiac dropsy. Appearance of face . Apis mel patient is thirstless and having an irritable nature.The patient is better from cold or cold applications and worse from warmth and warmth applications. *Dropsy, cardiac* Adonis vernalis. Cardiac failure or myocardial weakness. HOMŚOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA. Homeopathy can treat any heart disease and even save a person from undergoing Bypass surgery without much cost. Homeopathy Tonicard Gold Drops Indications : Cardiac tonic to improve blood circulation. Scrophulariaceæ. Cardiac dropsy. However, the dysrhythmia is likely to resolve in a much shorter amount of time if this powerhouse of a remedy is employed. Dr. A.L. Blackwood in Diseases of the Heart says of homeopathic Digitalis: “It not only relieves the palpitation but also diminishes and arrests the nightly emissions that so frequently accompany it.” Eyelid margins red, swollen. Cardiac insufficiency in pneumonia and other infectious diseases. Acts best in plethoric, feebly in debilitated with impoverished blood, cardiac dropsy with dyspnœa. Pulse accelerated, irregular, feeble, intermittent. Most valuable in cardiac dropsy. Heart … Aortic disease. It is also indicated for the high blood pressure. Controls insomnia, trembling, cold sweating, and cardiac-related mental nervousness. Heaviness of arms. The condition is ASCITES. The patient feels a flutter in the chest and anxiety. Disintegration and imperfect oxidation is the key note of this remedy. Very useful in cardiac dysfunctions and cardiac dropsy. By its direct action upon the... THERAPEUTICS. It is indicated when: Dropsy with scanty urine and great thirst but drinking causes distress. Acts on the muscle of the heart and is a heart tonic. A muscular tonic. Fatty heart and hypertrophy. Extreme dyspnoea on least exertion, without much increase of pulse, pain in region of heart and under left clavicle. Extremities distended, feel bruised and sore. The use of mother tinctures in practice is now considered as a shame by a few contemporary Homeopaths. T. R. Fraser experimented with it on animals, and his conclusions are marked (F) in the Schema. The basic concept of homeopathy in the minds of people is homeopathy works late and treats only … Cough. AEGLE MARMELOS Q - Dropsy in any part of the body. Cardiac homeopathic choices are numerous, and I didn’t come to the following schedule without trials of other remedy considerations over time. Digitalis Purpurea: It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for cardiac dropsy. It is prescribed by homeopathic physicians to help in the control of heart complaints associated with variation in blood pressure. Irregularities of heart. Dropsy depending on cardiac insufficiency. Aegle marmelos is prepared from fruits whereas remedy Aegle folia are prepared from the leaves. Cardiac manifestations occur as tachycardia, myocarditis and cardiac failure. There is great debility and profuse sweating. Acute hydrocephalus. Pain in region of heart and under left clavicle. Bed feels too hard. *Dropsy, renal* Urea. Cardiac dropsy. - Coughs depending on cardiac lesion, paroxysmal, at night, during sleep, worse exercise. – Dropsy, ascites in liver diseases. Bel, Bael, Bilva, Shri Phal, or Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Traumatism of grief, remorse or sudden realization of financial loss. The key properties in Schwabe Essentia Aurea drops are derived from the following ingredients to treat symptoms of heart problems. Palpitation of heart with soreness in the uterine region. Pulse accelerated, irregular, feeble, intermittent. It lowers pulse and reduces the blood pressure. Combination : Camphor 6X, Craetagus Q, Cactus G.Q, Laurocerasus 6X, Spongia 3X. Increases the efficiency of the heart muscles. May be used with advantage to tone the heart, and run off dropsical accumulations. Arnica Montana is disposed to cerebral congestion. Crataegus Oxycantha. Oedema of cardiac origin. This remedy is indicated when there is a failing or BROKEN CARDIAC COMPENSATION. This prevails also in the mental state, in inflammatory conditions; in cardiac conditions, in dropsy, in sore throat, etc. Even the poorest can afford it. Levitation. – Dropsy of external and internal parts. ... rapid and feeble, irregular cardiac action, low arterial tension, pulsating jugulars, general cyanosis and general dropsy. is a platform for academics to share research papers. After raising four kids, the change required a si… The major poisonous snakes, the poi son of which are made use of in homoeopathy are. Homeopathic remedies for edema or swelling body due to heart disease: Apocynum, Convallaria, Crataegus, Digitalis are the acute Homeopathic medicines for swelling or edema due to heart disease. Adonis, Digitalis, and Strophanthus are the Homeopathic medicines in general for edema from heart disease. Dropsy or oedema, as it is known in the United Kingdom, is commonly seen with inflammation of an artery or major organ such as the kidneys, liver, and heart. Acts best in plethoric, feebly in debilitated with impoverished blood, cardiac dropsy with dyspnoa. Myocardial degeneration. Sickly, pale, anxious, bloated swollen, dark red or bluish, especially in Lachesis, Bothrops, Vipera. A muscular tonic. Extreme dyspnœa on least exertion, without much increase of pulse. Digitalis is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when cardiac rate is lowered and Palpitations are mostly excited from the slightest motion. Secretly, she’d weep in the bathtub nightly for weeks. Heart, affections of. Among the homeopathic medicines for heart disease having a marked influence of the heart is Aconite. Another characteristic indication is puffiness under the eyes, another is bruised, sore sensation all over the body. (BHP, 1983). Proxysmal tachycardia. Homeopathic Remedy Adonis Vernalis (Adon) Physiological Action. Gone feeling at the pit of the stomach. DIGITALIS: Helps irregular heart beat and to produce a stable pulse. The homeopathy medicine is especially recommended for arteriosclerosis, cardiac asthma, cardiac dropsy, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease and all sorts of functional and organic disorders of the cardiovascular system. Aortic disease. *Dropsy, hepatic* Liatris spicata. The balanced formulation of Card aid helps fight heart ailments safely and without side effects. Traumatism of grief, remorse or sudden realization of financial loss. In mitral regurgitation, where oedema and dropsy have supervened ( Digitalis Purpurea Digit.) (BHP, 1983). In answer to a question she could begin a sentence, but could not finish it, as she could not remember what she wished to say. IX . Homeopathy is useful in cardiac neurosis- esp. Heart … Arnica is disposed to cerebral congestion. Bakson's Homeopathy - Card Aid Drops It checks Angina, Arrhythmia, Hypertrophy of heart, Cardiac dropsy, Coronary artery disease 30ml (1 Bottle x 30ml) : $11.95 Add to cart Cardiac dropsy. Marked effect on the blood. Angina pectoris. Dropsy thirst, without Dropsy Dropsy, cardiac Dropsy, hepatic Dropsy, renal Dropsy, thirst with Duodenal ulcer Dysentery Dysmenorrhœa Dysmenorrhœa, membranous Dyspepsia, atonic Dyspepsia, nervous Dysphagia Dyspnœa Earache Ear discharge Ecchymosis Eczema Elephantiasis Emphysema Empyema Enteritis, acute Enuresis Lathyrus affect the lateral and anterior column of the cord. I believe this remedy can counter the thrombogenic effect of the vaccine. Nephritis, especially after scarlet fever- post-scarletinal dropsy; also useful in cystitis, especially inflammation of the neck of the bladder, with frequent urging and. by D C Das Gupta. Ecchymosis and Hemorrhages. The face is yellow in Lachesis and Crotalus. ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS - HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA - By William BOERICKE. It has key ingredients like crataegus oxyacantha, aurum muriaticum etc that acts on cardiac weakness and stenocardia (severe constricting pain or feeling of pressure in chest). Acts on the muscle of the heart, and is a heart tonic. Takes care of cardiac dropsy associated with dyspnoea. Two things are necessary for the successful selection of the similar remedy, a clear picture of the patient and a comprehensive knowledge of the materia medica. ….. Dr. Fred Julius Petersen (Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics) Cough. Public Health, M.D. Arnica is disposed to cerebral congestion. Atherosclerosis refers to the build up of fats in and on your artery walls (plaques), which can restrict blood flow. In addition, it is most valuable in cardiac dropsy. Extreme dyspnoea on least exertion, without much increase of pulse. Source: homeopathy plus. A very useful function of Carbo vegetabilis is removing the danger of a collapse, especially if it is combined with digestive disturbance. Heart muscles seem flabby. It treats dysponea, pain, cold extremities, irregular pulse and blueness of fingers. Dilated blood vessels but does not act on the centers in the medulla. The urine is scanty and dark. Digitalis is cultivated in gardens, and in found wild throughout Europe, where it prefers siliceous soil, generally avoiding limestone districts. High blood pressure. Crataegus oxyacantha treatment for Heart ailments: Cardiac dropsy. Irregularities of heart. It increases the energy to the region of the heart. Homeopathy is useful in cardiac neurosis- esp. Common Garden Asparagus. Anaemia of young girls with weak, irregular heart action. Benefits: Regulates the pulse, lowers the blood pressure. Aortic disease. All excretions (like sweat and urine) are markedly diminished. Relaxed blood vessels, Valvular murmurs, angina pectoris. 5 drops in a teaspoonful of water every 3 hours. In Homeopathy, there are two remedies of Beal, Aegle folia and Aegle marmelos. It is … Pulse quickened. Rheumatism of muscular and tendinous tissue, especially of back and shoulders. Traumatism of grief, remorse or sudden realization of financial loss. post infarction and post by-pass surgery, hypertension, chronic ischemic heart disease, heart diseases that are secondary to other systemic diseases and of course rejected cases. The drug may cause nausea when given in the tincture unless given during or immediately after a … It is a good remedy for angina pectoris and cardiac dropsy. Helleborus Dropsy with jelly-like diarrhoea, urine dark and scanty. It is used as an arrow-poison by natives of Africa. We must consider administering it a day or two before the dose of the vaccine itself for it to begin taking effect. Pain in region of heart and under left clavicle. Pain in region of heart and under left clavicle. Palpitations with bradycardia: Kalmia and Digitalis are the best natural Homeopathic medicines for Palpitations with a decreased heart rate. The heart rate for using Kalmia may be as low as 35-40/minute with Palpitations. There is great emaciation, debility and tendency to ascites and general dropsy.

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